Saturday, November 30, 2013


Thanksgiving is a holiday that is not widely celebrated here in Brazil... Considering the reason why we celebrate Thanksgiving in the first place(our history); this makes since.  That doesn't mean I didn't miss it: the family, food, and days off of school.  I was given the opportunity to share with many people about our "Day of Graces" which was rewarding in itself! Here are some highlights of my Fourth month in Brazil.

Thank you mom for sending us matching fuzzy socks!!
While winter is starting in the USA, summer is just beginning here

On our way to a church retreat.

Found some tortoises

Playing some Texas hold'em in Brazil


I showed my family chocolate chip cookies.


When I was giving presentations to all of the students at my school, this little guy drew me a picture of the American flag.

At school they had a small celebration on Thanksgiving Day. The teachers talked a bit about the history of the holiday and why it is celebrated. Each class led a presentation representing their thanks to God. This class led the school in praise.

My class read verses from the Scripture.

When it rains here, it pours!

More cookies!!
