Sunday, September 1, 2013

Highlights of my first month

In this month I have been to several parties and AFS activities.  These two Brazilians are hoping to study in the USA next year! My Texas Pride shows all over my face!

 Brazilian BBQ.... So delicious.   

 After years of watching my mom make homemade tortillas; I made tortillas for the first time this month. It was thrilling to share some of my Tex Mex cuisine with my host family!

 Teaching the Brazilians the Boot Scootin' Boogie!

 Dias Dos Pais. It is the Brazilian version of Father's day.

 The onibus is a very popular form of transportation here in my city.  Most Brazilians claim to hate it, but to me, a foreigner who never took a public bus in the USA, it is very fun and similar to a roller coaster ride.

 Communication... I once thought that Math and Science were the two main links that everyone could understand no matter what language they can or can't speak... Art and music are links that are just as important.  Also, drawing pictures and gestures make an unknown language so much easier to comprehend.


 Brazilian hotdogs.... very delicious.

 A perfect score on my English test!

My Grandparents. 

 We were trying to look less foreign at the bus station..

 The second largest ethnicity in Brazil is Japanese. This was my first time eating sushi.

 Many have said that AFS means Another Fat Student... These are Brigadeiros given to me while I was trying to run off a little of the extra fat. Oh well, maybe next time:)

My dad says that AFS actually means Another Foto Shoot.... I like his assessment more.

People ask me all of the time if Brazil is how I had thought it would be.  I do not think I came here with too many stereotypes, but if I did, this was definitely one of them.



1 comment:

  1. Sarah you look really good and i love your boots have fun and learn a lot i love you best of wishes ash
